Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Episode 1: Your Story Has Power

I want to share my story of how God changed my life when I was in my early twenties. This is where my heart's desire came true because a person's dream is not only measured by his achievements, status, or property value. What is important is that God fulfills His purpose in our dreams so that we can encourage and help others in what they are going through.

Link: https://open.spotify.com/episode

I grew up in a broken family. My parents used to be together, but they didn't even look at each other. It's like they're just there for us. We, siblings, love our parents. We want them to be happy as a couple. Although there are little things that break our hearts when we see them fighting just because there is no spoon.

My father is capable of any job. Whatever he does, he makes money. That's why he gambles and spends a lot of money. Since then, our financial situation has always been unstable. My mother is very hardworking. She works non-stop to help my father with our expenses. My father, an OFW, has two utility vehicles, and my mother owns a large store, but why do we still feel pressured? My father was a Seaman who got off the ship and did TNT in the US. So he doesn't send us money anymore. My mother barely took a break just to provide for our daily needs and education. And after a few years, my father was deported, returned to the Philippines, and provided for us again.

I can see where they are coming from. They worked too much due to a lack of education. I feel sad because it still doesn't seem like enough. We are affected whenever our parents fight. They shout and argue endlessly.

When I was in college, my sadness became more intense with what I saw in our family. Sometimes I sit on the bed and cry because I don't know what to do. It can also happen to my brothers and sisters. Our parents are like a broken mirror that we try to rebuild. It's better to leave it on the floor than to hurt ourselves trying to put it all back together. I don't want to give up, I want to run away but I feel guilty. I don't want to leave my family. Just smile to hide my brokenness.

I have family and friends around me, but I feel alone. I can't open up to others because they might think I'm weak so I just keep it to myself.

It wasn't until I got to work that I saw my old high school classmate. He shared Jesus with me. I joined Him when He invited me to attend a Christian Fellowship. I felt something strange when I heard the pastor say that Jesus is the answer to my need. This is where I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I know He has forgiven me to transform my life. Because it says in John 3:16, For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

And for the first time, I had peace. I felt His love. And it's not just the feeling, the joy of having hope and courage that God has healed me and my family relationship. In Psalm 34:18, the Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves the brokenhearted.

Many years have passed, and all of us as siblings are married. Every day, I saw how God is changing our lives. I was the first born-again Christian in our family and I gradually shared Jesus with my family and relatives.

Although my parents used to fight, they were always there for each other. The day came when mom got sick, going back and forth to the hospital until she had to say goodbye to us. God is so good! My father came to the hospital and asked for forgiveness. In a comatose state, she heard my father, and tears flowed. God miraculously acted so that they could forgive each other. My mother died in peace. About six years later, my father also died. He was also sick. Sadly, I won't be able to see them. It is reassuring that we will meet again in heaven! God gave us eternal life!

Sometimes we wonder if we can recover from the pain we feel inside. Thank God because He knows what we've been through and the burdens we still carry. He can help us forgive. We can let go of the past. If there is a situation that tries to remind us of past hurts, God can destroy the negative thoughts and let us walk freely.

It is where I proved that I don't need to seek the world to find happiness in life because my sufficiency is in Christ. I gained the freedom and peace that Christ has brought to my life. And what will it profit you if you gain the whole world but lose your soul? (Mark 8:36)

My story is not that dramatic, but opening my heart and telling my story is not that easy. It takes courage and hope that comes from God for me to tell. Whether you grew up as a Christian or are new to your faith, your story has power. How do you present your life story?

1. Tell your story truthfully.

Proverbs 12:17, "A faithful witness tells the truth; a false witness tells lies."

This verse, of course, has implications for witnesses in court. We are all witnesses in the sense that we are all in a position to testify about Jesus. Whether you're on a night out with your friends or speaking in front of a crowd at church or somewhere else, there's something very powerful about someone telling their story truthfully, honestly, and from the heart.

2. Tell your story consistently.

It is the power of a testimony. One cannot contradict or oppose: 'Then I was like this, now I am like this... It is the difference that Jesus made in our lives.

Telling your story is still one of the keys to communicating yourself. You will gain confidence and assurance that someone has been refreshed and encouraged.

3. Tell your story humbly.

True love is often difficult, inconvenient, and costly; but true happiness comes only to those who care for others at some cost to themselves.

If we're going to tell stories, do not be proud but humble for what the Lord has done in our lives. The more we see our desperate situation, the more God can show His power and grace. He orchestrated everything. The devil meant it for evil, but God meant it for good.

Lord, thank you for the power of my story. I can say, I was blind but now I see. May there be many more who can testify about encountering you, having their eyes opened, and being healed. Thank you, Lord Jesus.

I hope you come away from this post encouraged to share your story as I did, Be sure to follow me on Instagram, @love_elisacamara, and if this post was helpful to you, please leave a review. If you think someone else would benefit and it could change their life, please share the link with them! And if you share on social media, the hashtag #CafeTayowithElisaCamara would be greatly appreciated! 

In my thoughts,


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